Springfield 5 Piece Drawer Front (106)

$38.90 /sqft

Min: 8 Max: 60

Min: 8 Max: 10

*Measurements rounded to a 16th of an inch
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The Springfield Drawer Front offers a matching shape to its door - square outside edge, beveled inside edge and the routed panel that is perfect in farmhouse and country designs.

  • Product Display Name: Springfield 5 Piece Drawer Front (106)
  • Thickness: 3/4"
  • Outside Edge Default: D7
  • Joint Style: Cope-and-Stick
  • Panel Shape: Square
  • Style and Rail Profile: SR109
  • Panel Profile: PR324 RVSCP
  • Minimum Width: 8
  • Maximum Width: 60
  • Minimum Height: 8
  • Maximum Height: 10